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About Us

We are a full-service janitorial and cleaning service company that provides exquisite quality work to their customers.

Who We Are

We are professional team cleaning services workers.

Extra Fresh Cleaning prides itself on incorporating diversity in the workplace and company culture. Our purpose is to provide premium service by giving 100% satisfaction to our clients. With stellar client reviews, Extra Fresh Cleaning recruits and employs a competent team of inspectors with an eye on quality control. We believe in supporting our local community by being a caring and exemplary employer for the team members as we help them get new employment and job opportunities. Extra Fresh Cleaning supports and serves clientele by catering to their cleaning needs through fair and impressive cleaning services. Our team undergoes extensive training in order to meet the request of every client.

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How We Work

Are you tired of managing the cleanliness of your residential and commercial places? Extra Fresh Cleaning is a one-stop shop for all cleaning services.

 Residential and Commerical Location


Fill out a Contact Form

Fill out the contact form below and get the best-priced cleaning service. EFC is here to make your life simpler with quality cleaning services. We follow up with our clients and cater to you with the most responsive service available for special requests.


Contact + Deals

We are just a call away. Call us now and book our professional cleaning service providers for a day or two. Our competent team of workers is certified and well trained in their job.


Our Team Work

Together we can accomplish your goals easily. EFC has a committed team of workers that are highly professional in their work. Our teamwork services will help you sort out all of your mess in just a few hours. So call us now and enjoy our services.